Inspired By Others

Creativity is such an interesting thing.  In interacting with others, I find the ideas and creativity keep flowing.  In talking with like minded friends, I find I’m on overload sometimes with ideas, as is often the case with Dave Saunders.  It is important for me to capture those thoughts.  Lately my iPhone has been great for that.  I can record audio clips, pictures, or text notes of thoughts with Evernote. Real brainstorming can happen by creating a mindmap with iBlueSky (bubble brainstorm map) is great.  And when it is time to put the tasks to action – Things helps take the approach of GTD, Getting Things Done, by David Allen.

These tools are a great help to the creativity. The real key to creativity is to free your mind to allow creativity to happen.  Be inspired by a observing a great sunset, listening to music, or reading a book.  Capture that idea to come back and expand.  Talk with others about your ideas.

What’s inspiring me lately:

Paint The Sky With Sky
Creative Commons License photo credit: Le Enfant Terrible®