Google search engine results page

Local Businesses: Are you checking your reviews?

People turn online to review everything lately.  Whether it’s books, music, movies, or food, you can find out quickly what others think of things.  If you’re a local business, you need to be monitoring these reviews, as well as seeking out reviews from your customers.

Let’s look at a Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP):

Google search engine results page

First, I searched just for a topic, as most users will do.  Unless they are looking specifically for your company, they will also search this way.  People may also search using their mobile phone.  See this video for how to search:

By clicking on the “Places Page”, you can see the reviews of that particular business, along with customer reviews and business contact information.


See the results from an iPhone:

Also see the reviews others have created on Yelp, Foursquare, Gowalla, or other services:

Google Places Reviews

Also see other websites and services linking to this business:

Google Places linking sites

For the brick and mortar business owner, this means you need to claim your page, place relevant content on it, and seek out positive customer reviews. If you need help with these services, just let me know. For everyone else, use these tips to find great venues in your area to visit, and know your reviews will be shared on their Google Places page.

Special thanks to C&C Coffee Company

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  • Courtney Robertson

    From high school business education to the WordPress Training team, Courtney helps people of all skill levels get their message out. She lives in south-central Pennsylvania, loves coffee, plays the mandolin, and has a very large vegetable garden.

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