Your Ultimate WordPress Website Checklist – #WCPhilly

WordPress Help

Managing your own WordPress website can be simple if you know what you are doing. Learn the foundational settings that will help your website stand out and get found.

  1. Measuring your traffic 
  2. What is schema code or rich snippets? Why and how can you implement it?
  3. Determining how links to your site look and work when previewed on social media sites
  4. Does your site look good on mobile? Do your links help your mobile visitors?
  5. Accessibility
  6. The Fine Print of disclaimers, terms, and privacy
  7. Performance, Speed, Backup, & Security
  8. Creating an editorial calendar and maintenance routine

Notes of the talk:
[slideshare id=31623205&doc=websitechecklist-140225091106-phpapp01]

There is far too much in this checklist to do in just one hour. Instead, join me each week for a Google+ Hangout.  We will be going through how to configure each part of this.

  1. See the the previous Hangouts to get started.
  2. Join in on the mobile optimization Hangout June 13th.