Setting Goals in Your Online Business

For years I’ve struggled with the balance between marketing my business while juggling the marketing needs of my clients, and yet launching that looming online training program properly.  I’d dive deep into one of those things, depending on what I was most passionate about at that exact moment.  Yet, the other areas would falter.

What I am getting better at lately is the balance.  I’ll chunk out an afternoon for blogging on my own site, schedule up some of my own social media content, and even process some email.  My client work is increasing and I’ve systematized the project management of it all via Basecamp.  What’s left?  That online class.

This time things will be different.  This weekend I will write my sales page and get the course ready for launch BEFORE  creating all the content.  I’ll go back through the coinciding book and revise that AFTER the sales page is done.  And the video course content?  To be delivered incrementally to members signing up early.  For those that wait until all the content is done and ready, the price will reflect that.

So – now that my realizations and goals are public…. it’s time to keep my word on that.  What about you?  What obstacles have held you back from balance, from doing that one big thing on your list, or from taking that new opportunity?

I’d love to hear about what’s going on in your life, and to hear what I could offer you that would be of value and help you in your business.