Christmas Giving – Charity and Non-Profits

During the Christmas season, it is a good time to reflect upon how we can give to our favorite non-profits and charity organizations.  Here are a few groups that I have connected with in some way or form over the years.


Several organizations are well established for meeting the basic nutrition and food needs for children globally.  MannaRelief goes one step beyond to ensuring the full nutritional needs are met. Current food programs are mainly cereal-based and lack many of the nutrients young children need. According to the international relief organization, Doctors Without Borders, food is not enough. In fact, these fortified, blended flours no longer meet the minimum nutritional criteria for young children set by experts at the World Health Organization. In other words, filling a child’s stomach not only fails to correct the problem, but it serves as only a temporary fix to a much bigger problem.


HISG is a New York state non-profit corporation and a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Its incorporation date is December 14, 2001. HISG specializes in private sector resource mobilization and management. Simply stated: “We connect resources to needs”. As a non-governmental organization, HISG provides support services to US and international for-profit and non-profit organizations for crisis response and humanitarian developmental initiatives. Since 2001, HISG has mobilized and moved tens of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid at less than 10% administrative costs. Having prototyped new and innovative solutions, HISG has established an institutional capability to mobilize and manage private sector resource capacity. HISG has now networked over 45 warehouses across the USA to work collaboratively to aid the poor and needy around the world.

Stop Child Trafficking Now

Stop Child Trafficking Now (SCTNow) was formed to make an impact in the fight against child sex trafficking—A problem that has been deemed as a growing issue in our nation, and nations around the world—one that needs every voice and every nation to rise against it. SCTNow seeks to protect and deliver children from this heinous crime, by focusing funding on efforts on stopping the demand (buyers, predators, traffickers).

Hand of Hope

Hand of Hope is the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Our goal is simply to help as many hurting people as we possibly can, to alleviate human suffering and to help Christians grow in their faith. It’s not about what we can do on our own. It’s about what we can all do together to reach the world and share the love of Christ-making a difference in people’s lives.

Chambersburg Cold Weather Drop-In Shelter

This shelter is a Christian-based program developed to provide a warm, safe and clean environment for those who are homeless, and have no options for shelter during the cold inclement months of the year.

Remember no matter how great or small your abundance has been this past year, you can contribute and help others.  No gift is to small.

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