[PNG]Starting a business is no easy matter. In the past year and a half, I’ve learned many valuable lessons, often the hard way. When starting business, many have false notions of how they should do a variety of things – from getting support staff, to implementing company policies.
In my own business, I’ve undergone a series of starts and stops, coming close to launching an online course, to nearly vanishing off the radar online. Filled with the best of intentions, but compulsive about getting everything in order – has left me stuck for too long.
The founders of 37signals share what has worked for them, where to focus attention, and dispell the myths of starting a company. The key here – be practical and use common sense. Yet – as companies continue to grow in size, often this is exactly the opposite of what actually happens. Concerns about protecting the company, appeasing investors, or a host of other reasons can actually hold a company back from growth, innovation, and authentic connections with their customers.
It’s a quick read, often humorous, and very refreshing to hear about a small company’s approach to impacting many customers.
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