Tribes – by Seth Godin

Tribes, by Seth Godin, is a great listen. I’ve been watching my tribe on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, FriendFeed, or the countless other social sites so intertwined into my life – and wondering, when will conversion hit? How can I give more in value to the Tribe following me, and at which point do I see a conversion into building my business? How do we best develop that leader of the Tribe needed in social media, and practice being a “Go-Giver”?

Simply creating a large group of friends in any social site is not enough. This is no different than walking in to a crowded room and standing around. On some level, the mass crowd of people may be aware that you are there – but they have no connection with you, or me. To stand out and lead the tribe, it is necessary to engage and interact. Strike up conversations, share links, ask questions, and be yourself authentically. It is good to push the envelope some, be a bit over the top, and above all, step out in faith that you can lead this tribe.