Tag: Social network

LinkedIn Profiles have been updated

LinkedIn Profiles have been updated
Have you checked your LinkedIn Profile recently? They’ve made a few updates to the way the profile page looks. Here’s a quick peak at the changes: A few highlights to the changes include:
  • PDF Download link
  • Checklist of action items to further improve your profile
  • Summary adjustments
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Google Plus: rethinking how to organize people

Google Plus: rethinking how to organize people
Whether we’ve met offline or online, organizing how I connect with you online should be clearly organized for me. In Twitter, I organized and publicized most of my lists. Some are regional connections, and some are based upon niche industries I follow. In Facebook, I’ve organized my friend lists based upon how I met or […]
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Three Words Revisited

At the beginning of the year, I joined in the blogging meme, 3 words. It’s time to check in on how I’m doing on that. To recap, three words I wanted to summarize me in 2011 are: Create Consistent Results
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What is the best time of the day to update social media?

What is the best time of the day to update social media?
Updating your social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, is valuable. But, did you know that posting at various times of the day can increase your chances of being seen? Here’s a condensed list of times: Best time to update your blog:
  1. 9am EST publish to be read on your site or RSS
  2. Share the blog post to Facebook at 10am, especially on Saturday’s
  3. Share the blog post to Twitter at 4pm, especially on Friday’s
Best time to update Twitter:
  1. When to tweet: This depends mostly on who you’ve connected with. 14blocks can give you a great snapshot of the past day’s ideal times to reach the most engaged Twitter followers.
  2. Strategy to increase Twitter followers: follow & unfollow people during late night or early morning hours
Best time to update Facebook:
  1. 11am, 3pm, and 8pm ET (especially Wednesday’s but not Sunday’s)
  2. Morning posts are most effective
  3. Top of the hour, then bottom of the hour (0:00 – 0:15 or 0:30 – 0:45)
Best time to update Youtube:
  1. Friday or Sunday
  2. Follow other social media guidelines to share video
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