Tag: LinkedIn
What Choices Hold You Back?
I love the start of a new year. I also love starting new things. Just… finishing them can be a challenge for me. At this time of year we have our minds set on a fresh start, a new beginning, or a clean slate from last year and have resolved to make changes that we…
Ultimate Guide to Finding friends & Social Network Connections – Monthly Reminder
Maintaining your numerous connections across multiple networks can take some work. About once per month I scan my networks for any connections I might have formed from one place to another.
LinkedIn Profiles have been updated
Have you checked your LinkedIn Profile recently? They’ve made a few updates to the way the profile page looks. Here’s a quick peak at the changes: A few highlights to the changes include: PDF Download link Checklist of action items to further improve your profile Summary adjustments
How to monitor your Social Media ROI
Monitoring and measuring your Social Media ROI. What networks are you using? What is the conversion objective? What you might want to measure: