Mobile Ads & Paid Search: Mobile Marketing Part 6

Facebook mobile ad

While paying to appear in search results is nothing new, segmenting paid search into mobile ads is relatively new. Additionally, with mobile apps, there are newer ways for your business to be discovered.

This post continues the series of mobile marketing:

What is Mobile Marketing?

  1. Mobile websites
  2. Location-based marketing
  3. QR codes
  4. SMS messages (like email newsletters)
  5. Mobile ads
  6. Mobile paid search (This Post)
  7. Apps


Places for Mobile Paid Search:

  • Google AdWords – a great review on configuring your AdWords mobile campaign. Google Ads can appear within apps, search results, and on websites.  You can specify that you want your ads to appear on mobile, with a click-to-call function as needed.
  • Yahoo & Bing Ads – Since Yahoo uses Bing as it’s search engine, the ads are integrated as one service. While it may not be the most popular platform, it may also be a great cost efficient place to start.
  • Facebook mobile adFacebook  – While users are browsing Facebook, you can create a call-to-action button drawing them from their mobile app surfing to your website.
  • Waze – pops up an alert while traffic is stopped with nearby deals
  • Foursquare Ads – reach your local community with ads
  • Yelp Ads – Yelp is by far more popular in more urban areas, but it matters everywhere thanks to it’s integration into Apple iPhones with Siri enabled. Getting your business seen in this way can quickly increase your visibility.

Consider using a mix of the listed advertising platforms to reach your ideal audience that happens to be near your location and using their phone.  Remember to lead these visitors to a mobile-ready webpage.