HootSuite Pro Tips

I love Hootsuite for my social media dashboard (affiliate link).  Not only do I use it for Twitter, but nearly all my social account accounts are integrated with it. I use the pro version of Hootsuite to accomplish what I need in my small business operations.

Hootsuite Status Update

Writing an update in Hootsuite is much like other Twitter clients.  You compose your status update, can schedule when it is published, and once you’ve connected multiple social media accounts, you’ll be able to select which destinations get that message.

hootsuite update


hootsuite accounts

Hootsuite Tabs

Staying organized in your social accounts can be a daunting task, but Hootsuite’s use of tabs makes this a true social media dashboard.

hootsuite tabbed display


Hootsuite Streams

Inside each tab are streams, or various columns depending upon the platform.

I use a tab labeled “Home” to handle most of my normal Twitter needs.  The Home Feed is everyone I’m following, then Mentions, a search for my username and web address, and Direct Messages.

My second tab I call “groups”.  These simply lists I’ve created in Twitter.  I have organized my Twitter lists based around how I know these people.  Some are people that live near me that I network with, others are core contributors to my industry, some I’ve attended conferences with, and others are authors and speakers that I like to Retweet. Organize your Twitter lists as you’d like.

When you create a new tab, Hootsuite will prompt you to add streams to that tab. You can add in Twitter lists:

hootsuite add twitter list

Or Twitter searches and keyword phrases:

hootsuite add search stream

I have additional tabs to manage various Facebook business pages, including their updates, scheduled updates, messages, and even related groups.  You can build your tabs based around what works for you.

Note: At this time, Google+ does not support any 3rd party apps interfacing with personal profiles. However, Hootsuite is among the limited platforms that can interface with Google+ Page (business accounts)

Hootsuite Apps

If you’d like to connect with Instagram, Youtube, Mailchimp, or even Pinterest, you can do that within Hootsuite. To interact with any other platforms not in the list of accounts, go to “Apps” to browse and select the accounts you’d like.

hootsuite apps

Then go to the stream where you want that app to display:

hootsuite add app

Note: to integrate with Pinterest, you’ll need to connect your Pinterest account to Reach.li then add Reach.li to your Hootsuite dashboard.

Hootsuite Publisher

hootsuite publisher

To see what status updates you have pending across various networks, view the Publisher section.  From there, you can also see any updates that require your approval if you are using Hootsuite in conjunction with others and require permission to publish an update.

Hootsuite Analytics

Not only can Hootsuite tell you how many people clicked on any link you’ve shared from this platform, but it can also interface with Google Analytics to view your web data, as well as Facebook insights to share information on your Facebook page growth.


Hootsuite Assignments

When you need to collaborate with others to manage any of the platforms you’ve connected with Hootsuite, Assignments make it possible to track what needs to be done.  Team members can flag replies to be handled by various teammates.

I often use Hootsuite in conjunction with a few clients. The pro level includes one additional person administrating various accounts.  If you are not ready for the corporate level membership, $15/mo is a reasonable amount to spend per additional teammate needed.


Hootsuite Contacts

When you want to see especially Twitter connections that you follow or are following you, view the Contacts.

hootsuite contacts

Hootsuite Settings

Within “Settings” you can specify your account information, which shortlink urls you’d like to have used, and also establish various RSS feeds.  I use the RSS feeds to share news and blog posts to various accounts.

Note: Use scheduling like this with caution.  I still manually read every article that I share, but I use the RSS feed to expedite the process of sharing that article from my blog or Google Reader to the networks I’ve chosen. 

hootsuite rss

Hootsuite Tools

Finally, Hootsuite does offer several tools.  You can create a Hootsuite affiliate link, attend their online program to master your use of Hootsuite, as well as get the mobile apps and browser extensions.  I use the iOS app, though it doesn’t have as many networks nor access to the “Apps” within the browser version like Youtube and Mailchimp. I’d assume the Android app is much the same.

hootsuite tools

Hootsuite is my Social Media Dashboard of choice. I’d highly recommend you use it for your business as well. At this time it no longer offers a stand-alone app for the computer, but Mac users can try out Fluid as a work-around option.



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