Defying Gravity and Competition

In both Launch (Michael Stelzner) and Defy Gravity (Rebel Brown), the idea of gravity drag is related to how running a business comes with friction. I’ve experienced enough friction, resistance, navel gazing, and focus on the perceived competition. These are my areas of gravity drag. In Rebel’s words, I’m ready to Defy Gravity. Michael would say I’m ready to Escape Velocity. I am ready to overcome gravity drag by moving into great momentum.

It is easy to become consumed in product creation, getting ready to get ready, or a number of other self-focused gravity actions. It’s just as easy to be overcome by allowing the competition to have an unhealthy influence on our path. Neither of these ends of the spectrum are beneficial. Sure, a little self reflection and observing what perceived competition is doing are important, but confidently moving your business forward gets results that exceed the things that could drag us down.

It seems less important to have everything positioned just perfectly and more important to take action, measure results, adjust, and grow. Gravity Drag will likely happen, but I’m choosing to blast through it. Please share your thoughts below.