Best Social Media Plugins and Widgets for your WordPress website

Social Media Plugins on Wordpress

Social Media Plugins on WordPress [PNG]Staking your own claim online is vital.  Telling your friends, clients, and customers about your address is great, but what else can you do to turn up in search engines and get new traffic to your website?  Making your website friendly for visitors to share using their social media channels is great.  Here’s my list of plugins and widgets for your WordPress site.

Essential WordPress plugins for social media:

  1. Sexy Bookmarks – Adds customizable buttons to the end of your posts (including RSS feed) to enable sharing on nearly all sites.
  2. Sharebar – Floats left of posts and/or pages to enable sharing to Twitter, Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon, and more
  3. Facebook Like – Inserts the “Like” button to the beginning of posts and/or pages to enable Liking a post on Facebook
  4. Facebook Connect – Adds many Facebook widgets within your site such as the like button, posting to your profile or an application within Facebook, and more.
  5. Disqus – Allows commenters on your site to post using their Facebook, Twitter, and more.  Also allows links to their comments to be posted to their social media accounts.
  6. WP Greet Box – Welcomes visitors based upon which social media website led them to your site and asks them to subscribe to your RSS
  7. Wibiya – Adds a footer to your website to enable Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Flickr albums, Youtube Channels, and much more

Social media widgets to add to your site:

  1. Facebook badge – connect others to your personal profile in Facebook
  2. Facebook Fan Page Widget – adds “likers” to your fan page from within your website
  3. Twitter Profile – show your recent tweets
  4. Twitter Faves – show off the tweets you favorite
  5. Twitter Lists – show off tweets by those you have in a list in your Twitter account
  6. Retaggr’s “Click To Add Me” button – shows ALL your social media profiles and allows others to connect with you on them
  7. Friendfeed activity widget – even if the site is a ghost-town, showing a preview of all your online activity in one box is simple
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