Go-Giving Online

Being a Go-Giver in the social media world has become fun. Last week, I had the chance to get on a conference call with my company, featuring Bob Burg and Thom Scott. Bob’s teaching in “The Go-Giver”, co-authored with John David Mann, has had a great impact on my life.

For starters, I felt comfortable as a teacher in my classroom, but not in the professional arena beyond those walls. Transitioning that perspective change has been an interesting challenge. While attending a national conference, I happened to be on the same shuttle bus with Bob Burg, and shared a story of the impact of his book. I’d given a copy to a prominent businessman in my community, who in return gave out over a dozen copies to men that he mentors. Bob was delighted to hear this. I then relayed the story on Amazon.com’s site as my review of the book. In return, John David Mann thanked me on Facebook publically, and used my quote in his monthly newsletter. I may be having coffee with him soon in his travels through my town.

Last week, I had the great privilege to give of my talents at our regional conference by co-ordinating the tech needs. In giving of my skills, I was invited to a lite night supper with our company leaders. This was a rare invite, and such a great opportunity to learn from them. The next morning, at the hotel, I sat down with Bob Burg for breakfast before the conference began. Authors and motivational speakers that are accessible and authentic really speak well of their training.

Just a few days later, I jumped in on a call about Facebook, and social media. I thought I should thank the call hosts, Dwight Havener, Bob Burg, and Thom Scott for their leadership in this call. I then learned a few of these hosts were online, and they chatted with me in Facebook’s internet messaging client. To my surprise, Bob thanked me on the call for all to hear, positioned me as one that knows Facebook and being a Go-Giver. This really is a shock to me, as I’m working through the transition into my professional posture beyond a classroom. What I’m learning though is that the world is my classroom, and I will give what I can for those that want to learn. As a computer teacher and tutor for all ages, I keep up with social media, and am assisting a social media online classroom that introduces how to set up accounts and get started. I am constantly connected, and love connecting with others across these systems, as well as helping them get the most of their experience there. The full class rolls out in about 2 weeks, but the introduction content is available on http://www.yoursocialbrand.com.

Today, I noticed in Facebook that Thom Scott, managing partner of Burg-Scott Communications was cataloging a list of books. I suggested the site http://www.librarything.com, and described why it is useful – giving value. Funny how normal this is for me. I’ve begun learning, finally, that as a teacher not in the typical classroom, I still have a way of giving resources and value in unexpected ways. Thom’s reply was: “Thanks Courtney. Why do I feel like you’re gonna be my new techie resource best friend? ;-)”. I love helping, and look forward to being a resource in any way I can.

While all this is going on – I’m using Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/courane01) to give value to other great connections, commenting in Facebook, and suggesting connections in various online and offline platforms and places. I’ve been listening to Seth Godin’s book, Tribes, and see that leading online requires a go-giver approach. All this to say, success comes not by fame, but by serving. In that – opportunity happens.

Places to check out: