Tag: Social network
Facebook Power Editor Tutorial
Have you tried the Facebook Power Editor yet for administrating your Facebook Ads? It’s more specific in the options to create your ads, and once the advertisement is done, you can duplicate and modify it.
Facebook sharing to pages on mobile
Did you notice that Facebook recently enabled mobile sharing to now include pages, groups, and friends timelines?
Connecting Across the Web
When you meet someone in person, do you connect with them online for ongoing networking? Have you threaded together your online community across multiple platforms?
How to Use LinkedIn Channels
LinkedIn Channels are a new addition to the news area of LinkedIn, known as LinkedIn Today. Essentially, it is a list of curated topics (up to 20) that LinkedIn members can follow. While it may not be breaking news, it will likely be more on point for recent information in your industry. You can…
Cover Photo Guidelines on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, & LinkedIn
Your business needs compelling cover photos on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, & LinkedIn to make a strong first impression. Several networks have rules about them, and each network has it’s own size requirements. Facebook Cover Photos Facebook’s rules for cover photos are: All covers are public. This means that anyone who visits your Page will be able…
Adding Team Members to HootSuite Pro
Hootsuite is a powerful social media management system for various members of your organization. Last week we looked at how to set up Hootsuite Pro. Today we’ll extend our options in Hootsuite to share within our business. By creating teams within your organization, you can delegate specific tasks for team members, establish permissions, and organize…