Tag: Google

Google changes Search Engine Results – What it means for you

Google has introduced a new feature on search engine results pages called “Search, plus Your World“.  These features may have significant impact on how you view search results and how your website displays for others. Look at the two images below.  The first is a typic search result for “WordCamp“: Google Search Engine Results
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How To Organize Google Plus Circles


To get the most focus and value out of Google Plus, organize your circles. The same could be said of Facebook and Twitter lists as well. There are a few approaches to what works best for you, but I’ll share how I get the best use.
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What Choices Hold You Back?

I love the start of a new year.  I also love starting new things.  Just… finishing them can be a challenge for me.  At this time of year we have our minds set on a fresh start, a new beginning, or a clean slate from last year and have resolved to make changes that we […]
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Managing Your Work, Family, and Personal Calendars

What tools do you use to coordinate your work, family, and personal calendar?  I’ve assembled a few of my favorite tools, both software and web-based.

Google Calendar

Google CalendarMy favorite calendar tool is web-based.  I prefer this tied to either a Gmail or Google Apps account for a few reasons.  First, I can share my calendar with my family so they know exactly where I’ll be at which times.  Secondly, I can get to my calendar from multiple devices.  I also can share my calendar with colleagues and limit the display to show only if I’m busy or free, but limit the specific details from them.
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