Category: WordPress

Stop Saying WordPress Core and Start Saying Empowered WordPress Contributors

Stop Saying WordPress Core and Start Saying Empowered WordPress Contributors
Discover the importance of accurate terminology when it comes to WordPress contributor teams. Learn why getting WordPress contributor teams right matters and how it can foster clarity and unity within our community. WordPress Core and more.
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WordPress Block: Bookmark Card

WordPress Block: Bookmark Card
One of my favorite WordPress block plugins is the Bookmark Card by my friend, George Mamadashvili. Have you ever wanted to embed a preview link to a website only to find that WordPress didn’t know how to show a preview of that site how it can do with Twitter, Facebook, or other WordPress websites? That […]
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My First WordPress Site

My First WordPress Site
Do you remember your first encounter with WordPress? I do. Looking back at how different things were then, I truly believe it’s grown much easier to get started. And we have so much more control when considering design options. This post is day 2 of the FromBlogsToBlocks campaign, celebrating WordPress 20th anniversary. I first installed […]
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A WordPress Origin Story: Courtney Robertson

A WordPress Origin Story: Courtney Robertson
If you’ve been in the WordPress community for some time, you’ve like been asked, what’s your WordPress origin story? I have been able to answer that, but had never completed that on my own WordPress profile until today. This post is part of the FromBlogsToBlocks campaign, a celebration of WordPress 20th anniversary. My origins in […]
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