Category: Reflections
A Lot of a Lot: Personal Knowledge Management

Have you ever found yourself with more ideas than you can handle? Where do you begin making sense of what needs to be accomplished and finding a starting place? For me, the starting place in in my personal knowledge management. I’ve been finding myself in this space drifting between the stacks of ideas, the piles […]
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Unlearning Racism: Orange Shirt Day in the USA

I live in a place that has historically been on the front lines of racism. I am only a few miles north of the Mason Dixon line – the invisible boundary between slaves and free people in the USA that spans much of Pennsylvania and Maryland. South of that line continued to permit slavery for […]
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The opportunity is right there, take it

For a moment, I need to look inwardly, find that voice, and summon everything I need to do it afraid.
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