Learn How To Practice Genuine Business Networking

When you meet new people in a business environment, do you dive right in close a sale?  While at networking events, do you only talk about yourself and what you offer?  Do you avoid attending “networking” events out of fear or based on poor previous results?  Have you shared your products/service/opportunity an online group that is a part of an in-person networking group and wondered why no one even clicked on your link?

These are all frustrations that people have about networking in person and extending that online.  Yet, the power of networking can be incredibly valuable..  It’s time to see things differently.

bobmechicagoIn 2007 I had the chance to read “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and see him speak 3 separate times in just a few months.  My eyes were opened to how to meet new people that might be potentially great customers and build a great rapport that is genuine.  By diving in to the books and audio programs that Bob has written, I learned how to interact with others professionally in a way that is authentic and beneficial to both parties. Bob is fantastic at interpersonal relationships, and my most highly recommended source of wisdom when helping business owners learn how to engage potential customers.

I am thrilled to see that he has another book nearly ready for release, “Adversaries Into Allies: Win People Over Without Manipulation or Coercion” and plan to dive in as soon as my Kindle copy is delivered.  Winning people over is not about strong-arming or bullying others into accepting your goal, but rather helping them see the value and benefits they will reap and empowering them to make the best choice for them.  Check out the book on Amazon:


I’m also equally excited to get to see Bob in person again.  He’s visiting Mechanicsburg in a few weeks, which is in my neighborhood.  I’ll be attending the event and get to see the new program he has developed in conjunction with the book. If you want to meet him closer to your area, check out his events page.

If you need a way to learn how to authentically connect with others  on the path to building your business, Bob Burg is the source.

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