Banned by Google Plus

UPDATE: Without explanation, my account is restored. 

Just one day after I conducted a webinar teaching others how to use Google Plus, I have been banned.  This is hopefully a bump in the road, but I’m still waiting.

To the best of my knowledge, I haven’t violated their terms of service or breached the Community Standards guidelines.

In fact, the worst thing I’ve done there is to report Santa Claus for being a fake profile.

I am wondering if the “report abuse” button is overly emphasized like how easy it is to violate Youtube‘s fair use guidelines and be forced to attend Copyright School.

Was one flag all it took? What exactly did I do wrong? Please tell me so I can correct the matter, and lift the ban on my profile.  I am representing me there, interacting with nearly 5,500 followers, and have organized all my circles.  I have taught several hundred people how to make use of the service, and shared what not to do (avoid being a business brand).  So – why am I suspended?!

Meanwhile, my Google account is tied heavily to Google Reader, Google Buzz, and Youtube.  I’m active on all of these places, especially Reader.  I hope the cross-over implications won’t be felt.

Here’s hoping Google gives me back my Plus.


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