Glogster: Create multimedia posters online

In this image, Courtney Engle is creating a Glogster poster with various elements such as graphics, text, images, videos, and sound. Full Text: Glogster Glog name: Glog-2303 poster yourself courtneyengle UPLOAD LINK GRAB O PREVIEW SAVE OR PUBLISH EXIT You can remove eny element. GRAPHICS Text A TEXT A IMAGE bubbles stickers VIDEO titles HAGNET TOOL SOUND WALL « see all Monsters SAMPLE SOME Basic SAMPLE text --- SAMPLE SOM Cute SAMPLE teil SAMPLE Seit SAMPLE SOM mo Courtney Engle 29 MIELE BE SAMPLE teil Da SAMPLE Med S/ SAMPLE IeIl SA SAMPLE tout SF SAMPLE MI DP not Retro USE IT! Romantic

Ever need to create a graphic with text, photos, videos, and more all together? I do, but I lack the graphic design skills. I need a simple way to put all this multimedia together and get it onto websites.  Geared heavily toward the education community, Glogster aims to blend all multimedia formats in a visually interesting way. Learn how Glogster works

  • Why blog when you can Glog? (
  • Using Glogster in the Classroom (
  • Glog Much? (
  • Glogster EDU Continues to Blaze New Frontiers in the Education Space with Exciting Back-to-School Developments (
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