Tag: Social Networking

How to unsubscribe from Facebook messages

How to unsubscribe from Facebook messages
Have you ever been part of the mass message Facebook collision? This can be a bit annoying to leave. It starts with a well-meaning question usually, or an invite to a get-together.  The next thing you know, you’re getting alerts from 25 other people on the same mass message that just say, “I’m sorry we […]
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How do I hide my Facebook activity from the wall?

How do I hide my Facebook activity from the wall?
I’ve been asked many times, “how do I hide my activity in Facebook?” Often people just don’t want to bombard the main wall
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Formulists organizes your Twitter Lists

Formulists organizes your Twitter Lists
[GIF]Organizing those you follow in Twitter into lists makes it far easier to view what matters most to you.  But taking the time to organize lists is a tedious process when you first begin.  Formulists makes this process a bit easier and can highlight people you may want to follow.  Formulists automatically finds, filters, and […]
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