Tag: rss reader
How to subscribe to news or blogs with Google Reader

Rather than going out to get the news, have it delivered to you. Look at the sites you read the most, whether news, sports, blog posts, or most anything else now comes with an RSS button (see the orange button). Use that to have the news sent to your Google Reader account rather than having […]
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How to navigate Google Reader

[PNG]Google Reader is a powerful platform to have news delivered to you, see what others are reading and sharing, and to discover new sources of content for you to read. It is how others may be reading your blog, so it’d be a great idea for you to read other blogs this way. Often, this […]
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Google Reader: my biggest web addiction

Google Reader was launched in 2005, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Many people aren’t aware of the capabilities Google Reader has. Think of it this way, rather than going out to check every possible website for new stories, you can have the news delivered to you. With a little work, you can also turn […]
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Feedly: a prettier way to read Google Reader

[PNG]Reading the news, blogs, and other ways of finding out what is happening in your specific industry is important to staying current. For many, though, Google Reader isn’t the nicest thing to look at. For those that want to use the features but with a better layout or design, add Feedly to Firefox of Flock. […]
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