Category: Mobile Marketing
How Your Small Business Can Include Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is growing rapidly for small business owners. Are you keeping pace with how your customers are already using mobile devices to find the products and services that you offer? Are you missing out on opportunities because you aren’t mobile ready? Here’s a quick overview of the types of mobile use that your company…
Mobile Landing Pages – Are You Doing It Wrong?
I was standing in line scanning Facebook on my iPhone. A page that I really enjoy shared a link to an article they just published about the overhaul on making their website mobile responsive. OOOOhhhh shiny! To read said article, I clicked on the link, launching me into the web browser mode of Facebook to…
Optimizing Images for Smartphones
Have you ever used your smartphone to view a website and waited forever for the images to load? The problem is that the file size (not the screen size) is using lots of your data plan to load the images. In addition, the quality of the image may still look blurry on your fancy new…
Mobile Optimized Website Checklist
Is your website mobile optimized? By making sure your website is ready for the mobile traffic already visiting, you’ll want to review these 7 points to give users the best experience.