Format: Aside

Facebook Personal Profile Changes

Facebook Personal Profile Changes
Facebook has rolled out an opt-in Facebook personal profile layout. The navigation now matches the rest of Facebook’s layout. You can opt-in to it here After reading Jesse Stay’s review of Facebook Lists, I dove in to change update my profile. I wanted to show off a list, similar to my peers and leaders in the tech and social media scene as my Twitter Techies list. So – I created a new list, added a few people to it, and then noticed something odd. Not that my list showed perfectly on my profile, it did, but that Mari Smith was getting a lot of traffic to a recent photo she’d uploaded about this topic – featuring me! Get a quick video tutorial here:
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Tumblr is still down, is self-hosting more reliable?

Tumblr is still down, is self-hosting more reliable?
Yesterday I began preparing to record a GFYD Member Tip of the Week, a training service we offer to train small business owners in social media. This week’s tip was to be an hour long jam-packed lesson on maximizing Tumblr for social networking and search engine optimization. However, this is what I found, not just on Tumblr, but also on well-known company sites that host everything on Tumblr – like Gary Vaynerchuck.
Read More: Tumblr is still down, is self-hosting more reliable?