Social Media Account Dilemma: Personal Account vs. Brand Account

When creating a social media account, people still get confused if they should use a personal account or a brand account.

The social networks where you must have a company profile and where to create:


Google Plus:


If you violate these terms of service, your profile can be taken down without notice.  It would benefit you greatly to straighten out these issues as soon as possible. You can’t necessarily move your followers automatically from personal profiles to business pages. In Facebook, simply changing your name to be your actual name is easy. The other places aren’t as easy, so get it over with as soon as possible.

Social Networks that don’t require business pages:

Youtube, Flickr, Pinterest, and most others.

The exception?

Twitter.  Twitter just announced that they will be integrating brand pages.  As an example, see JetBlue’s Twitter account.  Twitter hasn’t made it clear yet how business brands can get this brand page feature and seem to be rolling things out slowly.


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