Format: Aside

Tsunami coverage & support

Tsunami coverage & support
Friday the strongest quake to hit Japan triggered a major tsunami impacting much of the Pacific Rim. Here’s a rundown of services to help you locate people, and innovative media coverage.

Google Person Finder

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Event Planning, Marketing, & Participation Guide

Event Planning, Marketing, & Participation Guide
Whether you are heading to SxSW this week, or your nearest Wordcamp, Podcamp, or Barcamp, the new rise in event planning applications is sure to connect you with attendees, speakers, and event coordinators.

Planning an Event or Conference:

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Facebook Places: suggest edits

Facebook Places: suggest edits
Facebook Places allows users to check-in a various locations and sharing with others where they are located. Business owners are recommended to claim their business listing on these pages, enabling them to control the listing. While I still don’t suggest business owners only claiming their place pages, but rather focusing on a fan page (due to customization features), it is good to note that anyone can suggest edits to Facebook Place pages. Here are a few pictures of suggesting my edit to a place page that I do not administrate: Facebook Places Suggest So the suggestion for business owners: claim your Facebook Place Page, and monitor all activity happening there.
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