Category: WordPress

Update Your WordPress Website From Your Mobile Phone

Have you ever wanted to post something quickly to your WordPress website while on the go?  WordPress has a good mobile app available on most mobile operating systems. It may not be ideal for writing lengthy posts unless on a tablet with a keyboard, but is decent at posting pictures, or writing drafts of topics. […]
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Why Hire a Professional to Build Your WordPress Website

(or Why your family member or the kid next door can’t do it all for you) I absolutely love helping business owners develop their own websites.  However, I don’t love when I come across acquaintances websites that are lacking a few fundamental settings. I’ve been asked, why can’t I just do it myself (especially if […]
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Why to Self-Host Your WordPress Website

If you are new to WordPress, there are quite a few ways to host your own WordPress website. Pay your designer to put it on their server Buy your own hosting system and give your designer access Host it with a WordPress hosting service (WP Engine,, etc.) First, is either absolutely free […]
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What Makes a Good WordPress Theme?

There are many different WordPress themes available, and each have their advantages.  The beauty of WordPress is that your content doesn’t ever disappear just because you change the look of your site.  All your blog posts, static pages, and forms remain even when you overhaul the look of your site. Picking the best theme for […]
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