Google Reader: Play
About three times per day, I cave in to my source of most tech news: Google Reader. I use Google Reader to collect the news for me. Rather than me going out to get the news, it comes to me. It allows me to network with others using Google Reader and see what they are […]
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Finding blogs to read using Alltop
[PNG] Reading blogs and news in your industry is important. Keeping up with all the information can seem overwhelming at times. How can you really find great content in what interests you most? The web can be a vast place… so I recommend dropping by Alltop. It’s a great way to discover new blogs to […]
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Find the latest viral video:
[PNG]We love watching and sharing videos. By scanning through Facebook and Twitter, you’ll likely discover many videos being shared daily just by your existing connections. Sometimes these are videos created by the person sharing, and other times it is just something important to the person. At other times, the videos are just funny to watch, […]
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Social Media Shortcut: Upload your videos to multiple places with Tubemogul
Sharing your videos to multiple places at the same time can increase not only how many people you can reach, but also how viewers discover your website. By sharing your video to multiple places at once, as well as filling in the complete information with keyword descriptions and a link to your own website or […]
Read More: Social Media Shortcut: Upload your videos to multiple places with Tubemogul