Format: Aside

Google Hotpot: Review Local Businesses

Google Hotpot: Review Local Businesses
When searching Google for a local business, have you noticed the reviews that display? Some may know this is available, but many miss it. Also, if you want to quickly draft a review of the businesses, it has been a tangled mess. Google released Hotpot to help you process your reviews faster and find a page of options in your region quickly.
Read More: Google Hotpot: Review Local Businesses Bundle: Shortlinks combined Bundle: Shortlinks combined is a great service to use for shortlink services. Rather than writing out a long link and placing it in sites where every character counts, allows you to post your shortened link, as well as track statistics about who has opened the link. This is great, but what if you want to share several links at once? has just announced a way to combine several shortlinks into one bundle.
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Streamlining Social Media: Episode 4


Streamlining Social Media: Episode 4
Facebook Messaging, Friend Posters, Wordpress announces FoodPress, Wordpress security
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Streamlining Social Media: Episode 3

Streamlining Social Media: Episode 3
Facebook Email, Facebook Livestream, Tynt attributes text copied from your site, Glogster helps you create multimedia rich posters to place on your website, and more in Episode 3
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Glogster: Create multimedia posters online

Glogster: Create multimedia posters online
Ever need to create a graphic with text, photos, videos, and more all together? I do, but I lack the graphic design skills. I need a simple way to put all this multimedia together and get it onto websites. Geared heavily toward the education community, Glogster aims to blend all multimedia formats in a visually interesting way. Learn how Glogster works
Read More: Glogster: Create multimedia posters online