What is mobile marketing?

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Mobile marketing is the hot topic right now, but few business owners really understand what it means for them. There are a few key areas to focus on.

  1. Is your website mobile ready?Have you tested it on a mobile device?  If you don’t have an iPhone, iPad, or other smart phone device – find one!  You might be surprised to check your Google Analytics or other website traffic and learn how many people are viewing your website on these devices.
  2. Have you claimed your business page on sites like Foursquare, Yelp, Google Places, etc.?Whether your customers have reviewed you on these sites already or not, these services may already have claimed your presence on these sites. By claiming your sites, you improve your search rankings and have some control over special offers and responses.
  3. Are you implementing SMS & MMS messaging?Email newsletters have an open rate of 22% on average.  SMS Marketing has about a 98% open rate, with more subscribers taking action.  Are you reaching your clients with offers and announcements relevant to them today?
  4. QR Codes are key to directing traffic in your sitePeople don’t remember or don’t have patience to type in long addresses into their mobile devices.  In addition, you want to direct people to take specific actions like see a specific page for mobile users, opt in to email or sms marketing, check in on your social media sites, and many other options.

Of course, there are many more options too.  See my Slideshare for more ideas.


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