Measure Your Website’s Mobile Traffic

Why Should You Measure Mobile Traffic?

How does your website look on mobile devices?  How often do you check how many of your website visitors were on mobile devices? It’s important to measure your website’s mobile traffic.

It matters significantly, as most websites are averaging a minimum of 10% mobile visitors, but can be up to nearly half of all their web traffic.

Think about this, your customers are surfing on Facebook and see your latest update.  They click on the link you just posted that takes them back to see your upcoming specials on your website.  That person most likely was looking at their mobile phone at the time.  Another big place driving mobile traffic is when people are opening up the emails you’ve sent them.

Do you know how much of your own traffic is on mobile devices? Do you know how your website looks on the devices accessing your site most frequently?

How Can You Measure Your Website’s Mobile Traffic?

If you are using Google Analytics on your website, measuring mobile traffic is fairly easy.  Login to your Google Analytics account, browse to Audience, then Mobile.

Google Analytics - Mobile Traffic


You can see how many people were visiting from mobile under “overview” and in “devices you can see exactly which devices were visiting your site.

Google Analytics Mobile Devices

You can also measure which versions of the operating systems people are using on their phones.  That can be important to know if you discover parts of your site used to work and now don’t, or vice versa.

How does your website look on mobile?

Grab your smartphone and open your site.  Wander in to a cellphone store and use their floor models if you have to. See how everything on the main page, your blog posts, and your contact page work.

Can people see everything that should display?  Can they complete the forms, click on the menus, and does the site scale?  Also, does all the media on your website display (or do you have some old videos that no longer display)? Do your embedded videos get chopped off?  Can you double-click on the text of your pages and blog posts to zoom in?

If you decide that your website needs to be overhauled, I highly recommend Headway Themes for WordPress, as it makes your site easy to work on mobile devices (mobile responsive).

Measure Your Website’s Mobile Traffic

Know your traffic, know how your website looks for your visitors, and prepare your site to meet their needs.


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