Facebook Pages Changes Are Coming

Facebook Pages Changes

It’s been a while since Facebook drastically changed how Pages are laid out.  That is about to change. Facebook recently announced a new streamlined look for pages.

Facebook Streamlines Pages - Changes coming

What Changes You Can Expect:

  1. All content of the page will be displayed in a single column.
    facebook pages changes - single column
  2. Most tabs will be only accessible within the “More” drop-down. Some may appear at the top of the left column.
    Facebook Pages Chantes
  3. Business information will appear on the left column. Some apps can appear at the top of this.
    Facebook pages changes - business information
  4. Admin tools will be accessible for administrators at the top of the page without cluttering the page view.
  5. This Week: a quick look at stats for page administrators can be seen beside the banner at the top of the page.
    facebook pages changes - admin tools
  6. Watch Pages – you can add other Facebook Pages that you’d like to watch.  Before using this to quickly spy on the competition, remember that their administrators will receive a notification that your page is following their page.
    Follow Facebook Pages

Facebook Pages receive little traffic to the page itself, and more interaction happens when a post reaching it’s audience’s newsfeed.

Remember that tabbed content will continue to be less important for the few visitors that actually visit your Facebook Page.  You can still link to specific tabs for contests or other promotions, but the few visitors that reach your Facebook Page will likely not be clicking through “more” to find all your tabs.

Facebook is slowly rolling out the Pages changes initially.  Administrators may be prompted to join the waiting-list for early access to the update.

Have you had your Facebook Page switched yet?  What are your thoughts?