Tumblr is still down, is self-hosting more reliable?

Tumblr is still down

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/tumblr/status/11570891053862912″]

Yesterday I began preparing to record a GFYD Member Tip of the Week, a training service we offer to train small business owners in social media. This week’s tip was to be an hour long jam-packed lesson on maximizing Tumblr for social networking and search engine optimization. However, this is what I found, not just on Tumblr, but also on well-known company sites that host everything on Tumblr – like Gary Vaynerchuck.

This is the second major outage Tumblr has had versus the one major WordPress.com glitch (impacting TechCrunch), SquareSpace claims to not have issues of this sort. For very large scale corporate websites, I’d previously thought third-party hosts was a reasonable option. However, self-hosting still is resounding as the smartest way for small-business owners to host their own websites. Use WordPress.org on a host, such as hostgator for your primary website. A profile in sites like Tumblr, Posterous, and WordPress.com can be helpful. Hosting websites of any size continues to be less than perfect.

I look to Tumblr for the internet memes and following the blogs of major tech companies.  However, I can also follow the key industry leaders and companies in my bigger addiction: Google Reader.  While I wait out the site being resolved, I’m off to learn about the changes in Facebook profiles.

Meanwhile: some Tumblr humor to pass the time (13 hours and counting)

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/EAS211/status/11858843764002817″]

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